WHAT'S ON THE FORESHORE (2025) Roving MC Scott Radovanovich 1030 - Opening Ceremony, starts on the water Interislander Main Stage 10.30am to 11pm - see programme Treasure Island, 11am-4pm - see programme Treasure Hunt - 11am to 3pm Register for the Treasure Hunt & Raft Races - at Crafar Crouch Information Tent Bouncy Castles open - get your tickets from Crafar Crouch Info. Tent $5.00 for a day pass Climbing Wall open - FREE On & around the water - see programme Main Sail Market – 11.00am to 4.00pm London Quay The Galley (Food Stalls) – 11.00am to Close 12.30pm NZ King Salmon food demonstration 2:00pm Build a Raft Parade to foreshore for races 5.30pm to late - R18 Bar in the Marquee 10pm - Fireworks Extravanganza 10.30am - 4pm, On the Foreshore Clinker Boat display Coast Guard display Harbour Master display and activities Rarangi Beach Lifesaving tent Marlborough Dragon Boat Club tent Picton Rowing Club tent and activities CARNATIC 150 display FENZ - Fire Emergency NZ Waitohi Picton Heritage & Whaling Museum - Free entry Edwin Fox Museum by Ferry Terminal - Gold coin donation Water stall - replenish your drink bottles, or you can purchase water |