Our committee is often on the look out for new faces (or returning faces !) to join our various teams. It takes a full year to plan the Picton Maritime Festival and hundreds of volunteer hours - we then need an army of willing volunteers on the day.
Teamwork and team dynamics are important to us. We have learned the hard way not to blindly accept all offers, but to ensure we find the right people for the right job. Please do not be disappointed if we do not currently have an opening in your key area of expertise - perhaps you could join one of our 'on the day teams' and contribute in a broader role to start with.
Maybe you are only available on the day of the festival, or want a background role in the shadows, or are an IT or design whizz - we may have a role for you. Get in contact today - here
We are ACTIVELY RECRUITING NOW for some specific roles we need to fill - see below.
Our volunteers are appreciated and celebrated in our supportive, fun and friendly team. New blood brings new ideas and we celebrate diversity and inclusion in our team. No prior experience necessary - equally, all experience welcomed !
Our leadership team meet monthly throughout the year, ensuring we are have all the approvals, bookings and finance in place for our next Picton Maritime Festival. Each team lead works with their own volunteer pools to deliver particular aspects of the event - working on the premise that 'many hands make light work'.
Types of roles filled by volunteers, working for the committee member responsible for that area:
Team Roles Site Set Up & Logistics Information Tent On The Water On The Foreshore In Treasure Island (childrens entertainment) In The Quarterdeck Bar Community Liaison (donors & prizes) Volunteer Support Advertising & Posters Administration & support Digital
... and much more !
Community Group Roles Maybe you are involved with a community group that wants to be involved, we need groups to assist in a variety of ways: Beach Clean Up (before, during and after) Site set up Site recovery Flags and banner set up Fundraising food stalls - providing food options in support of our bar licence Launching & recovery of childrens water toys Lifejacket fitting
... and much more !
Call us today and see how you can be involved. Contact Us
NEEDED for 2026 Event Volunteers to join our 'On Water Team' in support of the Childrens Try-A-Row and Family Inflatable Fun
Working in HJ's team, delivering On Water activities and shore side displays: NOTE: Lifesaving support is supplied by Rarangi Surf Lifesaving throughout the event. All children must be actively supervised by caregivers from the beach (or in the water).
'On The Day' roles - No prior commitment - We need responsible people to assist with dressing children in Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs)(lifejackets) and managing the return of the lifejackets . Full training given. Operating out of the 'Water Co-ordination Gazebo' on the foreshore. - We need people willing to get wet and work with the children in the water by hand towing the children's dorys, paddleboards and inflatables as required during scheduled sessions. Full training given. Helpers must be over the age of 12. - We need people willing to man the Water Info gazebo and answer questions from visitors. - We need people willing to help with set up and recovery of water equipment, including the inflating of beach toys, setting up of gazebo and loading and unloading trailers.
NEEDED for 2026 Event Volunteers to join our 'On Water Team' to organise and run a NEW ACTIVITY New for 2026 - We need a small team willing to organise and run a Sandcastle competition. Make it your own event - as big or small, simple or complex as you want. We have some ideas and top tips, but would love someone to just take this idea and run with it for our 2026 Picton Maritime Festival.
NEEDED for 2026 Event Volunteers to join our 'On Water Team' in support of Shoreside Displays
As our event continues to grow in size, we need some one to be HJ's 'right hand person' as a Water Shoreside Display Co-ordinator. This person will assist with site layout prior to the event, then co-ordinate with groups on the day for access and set up, and continue in a liaison role supporting these groups as required during the day. Shoreside displays includes groups such as Harbourmaster, Coastguard, Dragon Boat Club, Rowing Club, Surf Lifesaving and QCYC.
NEEDED for 2026 Event Volunteers to join our 'Digital Team'
Our current webmaster is muddling through but would really appreciate help from someone who actually knows what they are doing rather than our current 'winging it with confidence' philosophy (& extensive use of the 'Un-do' button') !